ASCII Table Online

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange. It is a character encoding standard developed in the early 60’s for representing and exchanging arbitrary text-based information between computers. It encodes 128 specified characters into 7-bit integers as shown in the table below... Learn more

Dec Hex Octal Binary Char Description
0 00 000 0000000 NUL null character
1 01 001 0000001 SOH start of header
2 02 002 0000010 STX start of text
3 03 003 0000011 ETX end of text
4 04 004 0000100 EOT end of transmission
5 05 005 0000101 ENQ enquiry
6 06 006 0000110 ACK acknowledge
7 07 007 0000111 BEL bell (ring)
8 08 010 0001000 BS backspace
9 09 011 0001001 HT horizontal tab
10 0A 012 0001010 LF line feed
11 0B 013 0001011 VT vertical tab
12 0C 014 0001100 FF form feed
13 0D 015 0001101 CR carriage return
14 0E 016 0001110 SO shift out
15 0F 017 0001111 SI shift in
16 10 020 0010000 DLE data link escape
17 11 021 0010001 DC1 device control 1
18 12 022 0010010 DC2 device control 2
19 13 023 0010011 DC3 device control 3
20 14 024 0010100 DC4 device control 4
21 15 025 0010101 NAK negative acknowledge
22 16 026 0010110 SYN synchronize
23 17 027 0010111 ETB end transmission block
24 18 030 0011000 CAN cancel
25 19 031 0011001 EM end of medium
26 1A 032 0011010 SUB substitute
27 1B 033 0011011 ESC escape
28 1C 034 0011100 FS file separator
29 1D 035 0011101 GS group separator
30 1E 036 0011110 RS record separator
31 1F 037 0011111 US unit separator
32 20 040 0100000 space
33 21 041 0100001 ! exclamation mark
34 22 042 0100010 " quotation mark
35 23 043 0100011 # number sign
36 24 044 0100100 $ dollar sign
37 25 045 0100101 % percent sign
38 26 046 0100110 & ampersand
39 27 047 0100111 ' apostrophe
40 28 050 0101000 ( left parenthesis
41 29 051 0101001 ) right parenthesis
42 2A 052 0101010 * asterisk
43 2B 053 0101011 + plus sign
44 2C 054 0101100 , comma
45 2D 055 0101101 - hyphen
46 2E 056 0101110 . period
47 2F 057 0101111 / slash
48 30 060 0110000 0 digit 0
49 31 061 0110001 1 digit 1
50 32 062 0110010 2 digit 2
51 33 063 0110011 3 digit 3
52 34 064 0110100 4 digit 4
53 35 065 0110101 5 digit 5
54 36 066 0110110 6 digit 6
55 37 067 0110111 7 digit 7
56 38 070 0111000 8 digit 8
57 39 071 0111001 9 digit 9
58 3A 072 0111010 : colon
59 3B 073 0111011 ; semicolon
60 3C 074 0111100 < less than
61 3D 075 0111101 = equals to
62 3E 076 0111110 > greater than
63 3F 077 0111111 ? question mark
64 40 100 1000000 @ at sign
65 41 101 1000001 A uppercase A
66 42 102 1000010 B uppercase B
67 43 103 1000011 C uppercase C
68 44 104 1000100 D uppercase D
69 45 105 1000101 E uppercase E
70 46 106 1000110 F uppercase F
71 47 107 1000111 G uppercase G
72 48 110 1001000 H uppercase H
73 49 111 1001001 I uppercase I
74 4A 112 1001010 J uppercase J
75 4B 113 1001011 K uppercase K
76 4C 114 1001100 L uppercase L
77 4D 115 1001101 M uppercase M
78 4E 116 1001110 N uppercase N
79 4F 117 1001111 O uppercase O
80 50 120 1010000 P uppercase P
81 51 121 1010001 Q uppercase Q
82 52 122 1010010 R uppercase R
83 53 123 1010011 S uppercase S
84 54 124 1010100 T uppercase T
85 55 125 1010101 U uppercase U
86 56 126 1010110 V uppercase V
87 57 127 1010111 W uppercase W
88 58 130 1011000 X uppercase X
89 59 131 1011001 Y uppercase Y
90 5A 132 1011010 Z uppercase Z
91 5B 133 1011011 [ left square bracket
92 5C 134 1011100 \ backslash
93 5D 135 1011101 ] right-square-bracket-]
94 5E 136 1011110 ^ caret-sign-^
95 5F 137 1011111 _ underscore
96 60 140 1100000 ` backtick
97 61 141 1100001 a lowercase a
98 62 142 1100010 b lowercase b
99 63 143 1100011 c lowercase c
100 64 144 1100100 d lowercase d
101 65 145 1100101 e lowercase e
102 66 146 1100110 f lowercase f
103 67 147 1100111 g lowercase g
104 68 150 1101000 h lowercase h
105 69 151 1101001 i lowercase i
106 6A 152 1101010 j lowercase j
107 6B 153 1101011 k lowercase k
108 6C 154 1101100 l lowercase l
109 6D 155 1101101 m lowercase m
110 6E 156 1101110 n lowercase n
111 6F 157 1101111 o lowercase o
112 70 160 1110000 p lowercase p
113 71 161 1110001 q lowercase q
114 72 162 1110010 r lowercase r
115 73 163 1110011 s lowercase s
116 74 164 1110100 t lowercase t
117 75 165 1110101 u lowercase u
118 76 166 1110110 v lowercase v
119 77 167 1110111 w lowercase w
120 78 170 1111000 x lowercase x
121 79 171 1111001 y lowercase y
122 7A 172 1111010 z lowercase z
123 7B 173 1111011 { left curly brace
124 7C 174 1111100 | vertical bar
125 7D 175 1111101 } right curly brace
126 7E 176 1111110 ~ tilde
127 7F 177 1111111 DEL delete (rubout)

About is a single place where you can find everything about ASCII, ASCII character set, ASCII table, ASCII chart, Extended ASCII table, Windows 1252 charset, ISO-8859 charset etc.

The website lists down all the characters in the ASCII charset along with their decimal, binary, octal, and hex equivalent. It also contains descriptions for all the ASCII characters.

In this website, you’ll also find several tutorials and articles about How to convert decimal to ASCII and vice versa in various programming languages.

What is ASCII?

ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Exchange. It is a character encoding standard which was developed in the early days of computers for representing and exchanging arbitrary text-based information.

Computers can only understand numbers. Therefore, we need a way to encode characters to numeric form. ASCII encodes 128 specified characters into 7-bit integers so that they can be represented and exchanged easily.

The ASCII character set contains uppercase and lowercase alphabets A-Za-z, numbers from 0-9, some special characters like {'{}[]@$!'}<>, and some non-printable control characters like newline (\n), backspace (\b), horizontal tab (\t), vertical tab (\v) etc.

The above table lists all the 128 ASCII characters and their equivalent encoding in decimal, hex, octal, and binary form.


The ASCII table is a collection of all the 128 characters of the ASCII character set.

The ASCII table can be classified into four sections -

  • Control characters: The characters ranging from 0 to 31 and 127 are device control characters. These characters are unprintable.

  • Lower and upper case alphabets: The uppercase alphabets (A-Z) range from 65 to 90 in the ASCII table. Lowercase alphabets (a-z) start from 97 and end at 122.

  • Digits: The digits (0-9) range from 48 to 57 in the ASCII character set.

  • Special characters: The rest of the characters in the ASCII charset are special characters like !, $, @, { } etc.

ASCII Character Order

The ordering of ASCII characters symbols follows a specific organization known as ASCIIbetical. It is different from the standard Alphabetical order.

In the ASCIIbetical order, the uppercase letters come before the lowercase letters (for example, Z comes before a). Also, digits and many punctuation symbols come before letters.

ASCII control characters (unprintable characters)

The ASCII character set uses the first 32 codes for control characters. The last code 127 that corresponds to Delete (DEL) i These control characters are intended to be used as commands to control devices (such as printers) that make use of ASCII, or to provide additional metadata data streams such as the ones stored on magnetic tapes.

For example, the ASCII code 10 represents the “line feed” (LF) function which is used as a command for the printer to advance its paper. Similarly, the ASCII code 8 represents Backspace.

There are other commonly used control characters like Horizontal tab, Vertical tab, Escape, etc.

ASCII printable characters

Out of 128 code points in ASCII character set, only 95 are printable characters. These characters range from 32 to 126. These printable characters are letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few other symbols as outlined in the above ASCII table.

The ASCII code 32 is for space character. The space character is not recognized as a printable symbol. It is also not a control character. The space character (32) is categorized as an invisible graphic symbol.

ASCII vs Unicode

ASCII is a 7-bit character set which is limited to only 128 characters. Unicode has a much wider range of characters in its character set. Their are multiple encoding formats of different sizes used in the Unicode character set like UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32.

ASCII character set is incorporated into the Unicode character set as the first 128 symbols. So Unicode character set is a superset of ASCII character set.

ASCII vs Extended ASCII Character set

Extended ASCII character set, as the name suggests is an extension of the ASCII character set. Extended ASCII uses 8 bits and it has 256 characters. The first 128 characters of the Extended ASCII character set are same as the ASCII character set. The next 128 characters are used to represent several special characters and symbols.

You can check out the full Extended ASCII table.

ASCII Table downloadable image

You can download the following image to refer to the ASCII table any time from your computer. Just right click on the following image and click “Save Image As…” to save it locally.

Ascii Table

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What ASCII means?

ASCII means American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a character encoding standard developed for digital communication.

Why ASCII is a 7-bit code?

The work on ASCII began in 1961 and the committe decided to use a 7-bit code for ASCII. 7-bit allows 128 characters and it could represent all American english characters and symbols. Moreover, 7 bits also meant minimuized cost while transmitting the data as opposed to 8-bits or 16-bits. The first edition of ASCII standard was published in 1963.

Should I use UTF-8 or ASCII?

UTF-8 is a superset of ASCII character set. This means that UTF-8 already contains all the ASCII characters as part of its character set. So you should use UTF-8 if the tool or program that you’re using supports it.