ASCII to Hexadecimal Converter

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How to Convert ASCII Text to Hexadecimal

Computers can only understand numbers, more specifically 0s and 1s. ASCII text can be converted to Hexadecimal number using the ASCII character encoding and the numbers can then be converted to Hex.

The above ASCII text to Hex converter tool can help you convert any ASCII text to Hexadecimal numbers. But if you want to understand the process of converting, Here is how it works:

  1. First step is to find out the decimal number corresponding to each ASCII letter in the input.
  2. Then, convert the decimal numbers to their Hex equivalents to get the final result.

Let’s see some examples of converting ASCII text to Binary

Example 1

ASCII: Hello
Decimal: (72 101 108 108 111)
Hex: (48 65 6c 6c 6f)

Example 2

Decimal: (36 80 87 68 33)
Hex: (24 50 57 44 21)